Tesla, Inc. - Energy storage

Tesla’s Megapack is Being Installed in Florida and It’s a Big Deal

Much like Go Solar Power, Tesla is a name that has become synonymous with providing high-quality electrical products.  Certainly driving us toward a more sustainable future. One of Tesla‘s more ambitious products to date is the Megapack. Undoubtedly, a pretty aptly named. Go Solar Power will be installing the first Megapack from Tesla in the State of Florida.  While exciting it may raise a few questions. Especially for those who haven’t heard of the Megapack. Or are wondering more about the project. Once you know more about the Megapack and its implications now and in the future, you will be as excited as we are for this endeavor. 

What is a Megapack?

In the most basic of terms, the Megapack is a large power bank that takes up a small footprint. This is not just a stack of batteries. Rather than an entire pre-assembled system that includes battery modules. Included as well is bi-directional inverters. In addition to a thermal management system. There is an AC main breaker. Controls to cut down on the time that it takes to install. A 1 Gigawatt hour (GWh) project holds enough electricity to power every home in San Francisco for six hours. Unquestionably making this a game-changer when charging the Megapack with renewable energy. 

How Does the Megapack Work?

The Megapack works just like any other energy storage system on the market. However, it is smaller and has a few more benefits. One of the many fantastic features of the Megapack is its simplicity. Assembled and tested at Tesla‘s factory. It only needs to be connected to your site’s existing wiring once it is on-site. Since its installation is relatively easy for an experienced company like Go Power Solar, it can be installed up to ten times faster than traditional systems. 

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What are the Benefits?

Some people may be asking what the point is in replacing their energy storage solution with a Megapack, considering that it essentially functions in the same capacity as the one they have now, but there are many reasons to switch. 

Ease and Simplicity

As already stated, the Megapack is fast and easy to install, so there is little downtime to replace an existing system with the Tesla model.

Smaller Footprint

One of the Megapack‘s biggest selling points is that it takes up a smaller footprint than traditional systems, which leaves room to expand for other equipment or to double down on energy storage.

Grid Control

We all know that while renewable energy is the future, it can be intermittent at times, and the MegaPack helps that by storing the energy when it is made so that it can be used in times of intermittency. This product also supplies voltage and capacity support by injecting and absorbing reactive power to maintain local voltage levels and discharging at times of peak capacity to reduce demands on distribution and transmission infrastructure. Most importantly, it creates a localized grid that will keep the power on even if the main grid shuts off, which can save countless dollars in work hours and keep your employees safer. 

Monitoring and Service

Service can be provided to the grid based on signals sent by system operators, so if there is ever a question about the operation, it can be addressed before it becomes a problem.

The Future is Being Installed in Florida

Tesla has been helping shape the public’s view on electric energy, and their great strides in battery power have ushered in a new age of vehicles. What is lesser known is that they are also changing how people power their homes, and now with the Megapack, they can even power businesses. We are excited to install the first Megapack in Florida and hope that it is the first of many. Megapacks combined with wind and solar power are one step closer to ending the use of fossil fuels and providing homes and businesses with consistent and reliable renewable energy.

For more information on how the Tesla Megapack can benefit your business, please reach out to a Tesla Specialist today at 800-530-9597 or info@gosolarpower.com. 

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Solar Contractor License:

  • CVC 56962 (Florida)
  • COA 650 (South Carolina)

Electrical License:

  • California CSLB#1069269
  • Florida: EC13007879
  • Georgia: EN216145
  • North Carolina: U32638
  • South Carolina: CLM115302
  • Alabama: 02301
  • Texas: 35375
  • Louisiana 72043


  • RS9908186


  • TC5160

Contractor License:

  • FL Roofing CCC 1332637
  • FL Builders CBC1264000
  • Georgia Builders GCCO007273

California Self Generation Incentive Program:

  • GSP Electric Developer Key: 8350NF